Friday, June 29, 2012

Sidewalk Signs

From the West end of Main Street to the Post Office.
Ayoob's Quincy
"Friends don't let friends shop at chain stores."
Alley Cat Cafe
"Fresh Healthy Lunches ..."
Courthouse Cafe
"Doing food justice."
Ayoob's Quincy
"Friends don't let friends shop at chain stores."
"Foster Parents Needed"
"Gypse Rose Sale"
La Casa Bella
Oh, it says "flower" POT SALE!
Body and Soul
"Now Taking Walk-ins"


Lora said...

One of the things I don't love about living somewhere that reaches super high temps in the summer is the total lack of giant flower baskets hanging anywhere.

Sierrosmith said...

After many decades absence, the petunias reappeared on Quincy's Main Street last year thanks to the Quincy Merchants. Hopefully they will return every year from now on.