Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March Lamb

Finally, and just in the nick of time, gentler weather has arrived so that March can go out in the prescribed manner **.

Crocus corner

Crocuses in a corner, tulips in a row.

Tulip row

** In the evening at the beginning of March, Leo the Lion rises in the east just after dusk to bring March in.

After the vernal equinox, the Sun is in Aries the Ram (lamb), the first sign of the zodiac. Therefore, at the end of March "the lamb" is setting in the west at dusk, and taking March out with it.

So from an astronomical point of view, the saying more correctly would be, "March comes in with the lion, and out with the lamb." However in this case meteorology trumps astronomy and so we say, "March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Only a Day Away

When Spring was only a day away ...
Thieler Tree

Broken-down Snowplow

Snow Swings
The forecast says that more of this is on the way.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Longboards Sesquicentenial

Plumas Ski Club Longboard Revival 150 Years

I have posted about the historic Longboard ski races before: here and here (both with video links); but this weekend is something even more special: It was here, 150 years ago, that the first downhill ski races in the world were held. As described in Forbes magazine a few years ago, "... raced by drunken miners with boards the size of telephone poles strapped to their feet". This weekend that spirit (and those spirits) will be revived again. Come join the fun if you can.

There are several events planned, but the Longboard World Championships are Sunday, March 20th from 11AM to 4PM at the Plumas-Eureka Ski Bowl (map). As the poster above says, it promises to be "The world's greatest ever gathering of longboard revival ski racers".

Monday, March 14, 2011

Paddy's Wagon

If you were wondering what to be on the 17th, here is a suggestion.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Winter Breakdowns