Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Crescent St. panorama

Scenes from this year's [annual] Spring snowstorm.

And finally, the first high-wire act of the season.

Not Yet Spring Break

Campus preparations for Spring Break next week. We're ready already!

07:45 AM - Walking up the hill before class.

Looks to me like North America between the clouds.
09:15 AM - Back down the hill after class.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Learning Foundation

Pouring (pumping) the concrete for the Learning Resource Center at FRC.

On the Board

If it's happening, it's on the Bulletin Board.

Pound Puppies

Beanie Baby puppies riding shotgun on the dash.


One of two three-wheelers, but I wasn't fast enough to get them both.

May Luv WY, but Springing in Q-topia.

No More

No more dry cleaning at the Dry Cleaning Co.
In fact there is now no dry cleaner in the county. The owners have been trying to sell the business in order to retire. The wife, who did the dry cleaning, finally did quit so now its only a laundry. If you want to buy a business that has no competition and a captive customer base, give them a call.

No lumber or supplies here.

No neighbor-loving here;
they silenced both community radio and the oldies station.

Winter Blooms

Snowdrops and daffy daffodils from a month ago.